Traffic-Fi Ecology

Traffic-Fi —— Reconstruction of Discourse Power in Web-3 Traffic Economy

The Web3 narrative should be extremely advocating for decentralization, and it seems that the market has not given a Web3 map for inquiry as to "what is within the scope of the decentralized narrative". From the perspective of the past market, the traffic economy has to be carried out on traditional social media that needs to buy traffic, likes, and reposts, or at the expense of the lack of incentives for influencers to carry out publicity on decentralized media. (Twitter, Youtube, TG, Discord etc.)

Know3here based on the Traffic-Fi is very different. The resource allocation method of the Traffic-Fi enables the platform to return the dominance of revenue to the influencers as exogenous value carriers. Through the market-based pricing of follower attention resources and the gathering of private network, brands and influencers can efficiently identify the value of their behavior data and manage content announcements in a one-stop manner and traffic marketing.

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