How to earn $KF3

Brands earn $KF3 by topping up on Know3here and use these tokens to post tasks. Know3here also regularly launches a rewards program that gives brands varying levels of rewards based on the campaigns they post and the amount of traffic they receive.

Influencers can earn more utility tokens ($KF3) than regular users by creating and sharing content, engaging with their audience, and achieving higher engagement rates.To incentivize influencers to create high-quality content, the number of utility tokens earned would be based on engagement metrics such as views, votes, sharing, and comments. The more engagement influencers' content receives, the more utility tokens they can earn. Followers can also earn utility tokens ($KF3) by engaging with content, such as voting, commenting, sharing, and watching videos. The number of utility tokens earned would be based on the level of engagement and the amount of time spent on Know3here. The formula for determining the number of utility tokens earned by influencers and followers could be as follows:

For influencers: Utility Token ($KF3) Earned = (Total Views + Total Votes + Total Sharing + Total Comments) x Engagement Rate x Influencer Bonus

· Total Views: The total number of views received

· Total Votes: The total number of votes received

· Total Sharing: The total number of sharing received

· Total Comments: The total number of comments received

· Engagement Rate: The total engagement rate (the sum of votes, sharing, and comments divided by the total number of views)

· Creator Bonus: A bonus factor that rewards influencers for their efforts in creating high-quality content. This could be determined based on various factors such as the level of creativity, uniqueness, or the amount of time and effort put into their content.

For followers: Utility Token ($KF3) Earned = Time Spent on Platform x Engagement Rate x Follower Bonus

· Time Spent on Platform: The total amount of time a follower spends on Know3here

· Engagement Rate: The total engagement rate of their activities on Know3here (the sum of votes, sharing, and comments divided by the total number of activities)

· User Bonus: A bonus factor that rewards users for their activities on Konw3here. This could be determined based on various factors such as the level of engagement, the number of activities performed.

Last updated